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Dungeon Drop - Phase Shift Games

Dungeon Drop

The premier "drop-style" dungeon crawler for 1-4 players, playable in 15 to 20 minutes.

Instant Dungeon... Infinite Possibilities!

Dungeon Drop is a lightweight dungeon crawler for 1-4 players, featuring unique gameplay elements that assures no two games could possibly be the same. Dungeon Drop blends strategy with a novel spatial element that will challenge casual and hardcore gamers alike!

At the start of each game, cubes of varying colors, representing both loot and monsters in the dungeon, are dropped onto the table from a height of 6 to 12 inches. This creates a dungeon layout with infinite possibilities. You will then use your customized hero to explore the dungeon, use your unique abilities, and ultimately loot a room that won't kill you!

  • The premier "drop-style" game
  • The Dice Tower's #2 family game of the year
  • Unfiltered Gamer's #3 game of the year
  • Mechanics

    • Dropping
    • Area enclosure
    • Variable player powers
  • Awards and achievements

    • The Dice Tower - #2 Family Game of the Year
    • Unfiltered Gamer - #3 Game of the Year
    • Parents' Choice Award - Fun Stuff
    • The Game Crafter - Design Contest Winner
    • #1 Most Anticipated Short Game of 2020
    • #2 Most Anticipated Family Game of 2020
    • #8 Most Anticipated Game of 2020
    • The Dice Tower - Seal of Approval
    • 2020 Meeple's Choice - Most Unique Gameplay honorable mention
    • American Tabletop Awards - Early Gamers nomination
  • If players like...

    • Crash Octapus
    • Flick 'em Up!

    ...then they will love Dungeon Drop

Game highlights

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